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Getting Started


Add the following line to your plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.alejandrohdezma" % "sbt-github" % "0.11.13")

Using the plugin

By default, the plugin only downloads the information if the githubEnabled setting is set to true:

ThisBuild / githubEnabled := true

If you want to enable this by default on your CI, you can use the aliases github or githubOn, for setting it to true and githubOff, for setting it to false.

For example, for enabling downloading information before executing sbt-ci-release's ci-release you could do:

sbt "github; ci-release"

Enabled settings

homepageRetrieved from the Github repository's information.
developersA list containing the repository collaborators.
descriptionRetrieved from the Github repository.
licensesRetrieved from the Github repository.
contributorsThe list of repository contributors. This list will not include contributors set in excludedContributors.
collaboratorsThe list of repository collaborators who are also contributors. This list will always include collaborators set in extraCollaborators.
releasesThe list of repository releases.
startYearExtracted from the repository creation date.
yearRangeA year range that goes from startYear to the current year.
organizationNameThe repository organization name or the owner's name if populateOrganizationWithOwner is set to true. This value can be overriden to other organization using githubOrganization.
organizationEmailThe repository organization email or the owner's email if populateOrganizationWithOwner is set to true. This value can be overriden to other organization using githubOrganization.
organizationHomepageThe repository organization homepage or the owner's homepage if populateOrganizationWithOwner is set to true. This value can be overriden to other organization using githubOrganization.

There are some integrations available also: