Integration with sbt-mdoc
If you use mdoc for creating your documentation you can benefit from our mdoc module which provides several bunches of mdocVariables
already pre-filled with values extracted from Github to any project that adds the MdocPlugin
to replace them in the documentation. To use it, just add the following line to your plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.alejandrohdezma" % "sbt-github-mdoc" % "0.12.0")
So we don't force a version of mdoc, it is requested as a "Provided" dependency so you'll need to provide your own version of mdoc following its own tutorial.
The plugin provides the following mdocVariables
Variable | Content |
VERSION | Set to the value of the version setting by removing the timestamp part (this behavior can be disabled using the removeVersionTimestampInMdoc setting) |
CONTRIBUTORS | Set to the value of the contributors setting, containing the list of repository contributors in markdown format |
CONTRIBUTORS_TABLE | Set to the value of the contributors setting, containing the list of repository contributors as a markdown table |
COLLABORATORS | Set to the value of the collaborators setting, containing the list of repository collaborators in markdown format |
COLLABORATORS_TABLE | Set to the value of the collaborators setting, containing the list of repository collaborators as a markdown table |
NAME | Set to the value of displayName . Defaults to repository's name. |
ORGANIZATION | Set to the value of organization |
DESCRIPTION | Set to the value of description |
LICENSE | Set to the license's name |
ORG_NAME | Set to the value of organizationName setting (Github's organization name or owner's in case organization is empty and populateOrganizationWithOwner is true ) |
ORG_EMAIL | Set to the value of organizationEmail setting (Github's organization email, or owner's in case organization is empty and populateOrganizationWithOwner is true ) |
ORG_URL | Set to the value of organizationHomepage setting (Github's organization homepage or owner's in case organization is empty and populateOrganizationWithOwner is true ) |
REPO | Set to the repository's path: "owner/repo" |
DEFAULT_BRANCH | Set to the repository's default branch |
START_YEAR | Set to the value of the startYear setting |
YEAR_RANGE | Set to the value of the yearRange setting |
COPYRIGHT_OWNER | Set to the value of ORG_NAME <ORG_URL> if ORG_URL is present or just ORG_NAME in case ORG_URL is empty |
SUPPORTED_SCALA_VERSIONS | Set to the value of crossScalaVersions , containing the list of supported Scala versions in markdown format |